Damar Hamlin is officially Tiffany Dover the sequel after sloppy propaganda display during Bengals at Bills game

January 24, 2023 (updated January 26, 2023)

BUFFALO, NEW YORK — The foregoing photo is the clearest one we’ve seen of Mr. Damar Hamlin since the infamous Monday Night Football game on January 2, 2023. He is of course the Buffalo Bills free safety who collapsed on the field due to cardiac arrest during said game.

The photo was part of an Instagram story posted by Mr. Hamlin’s teammate, linebacker Matthew Milano, on January 15. This blogger learned from influencer Whitney Rife in 2021 that IG stories disappear after 24 hours. Thus said photo no longer exists anywhere on Mr. Milano’s IG page. The instant critical thinker questions related to the photo are:

  • 1) why choose a temporary IG photo instead of a permanent one?
  • 2) why not a video in today’s world of everything being filmed instead of a photo?
  • 3) why did no other teammates take photos or videos? We also have no idea if the photo is old or recent?

As it relates to the last bullet point, Mr. Hamlin is wearing a cold weather football cap in the “January 15, 2023” photo.

These are specifically designed to keep the head, ears and face warm, while fitting snugly under the helmet. Mr. Hamlin wearing this indicates that he just finished playing in a cold-weather game. It makes no sense for a man recovering from cardiac arrest to show up to the team’s locker room wearing this.

The COVID Blog® has followed this story closely because, as stated several times, “it will take an NFL or NBA player collapsing and dying on the field/court for the American masses to take notice of what’s happening.” That has now played itself out in real life. Monopolized social and legacy/mainstream media have dictated all social and political narratives since the turn of the millennium. Big Pharma is the primary mainstream media puppet master.

It was vital for the powers-that-be (“TPTB”) to coverup the Tiffany Dover story at the beginning of the “vaccine rollout.” It is/was equally imperative for them to take control of the Damar Hamlin situation.

Tiffany Dover recap

The most notorious “vaccination” of The Great Reset – Tiffany Dover, December 17, 2020.

TPTB rely on mass gullibility and stupidity to execute these ridiculous coverups that are always worse than the actual crimes. But 80% of Americans have received at least one “COVID shot.” They are forced to have faith in these propaganda stories to control their growing angst as the truth about the lethal injections is more freely flowing in 2023.

The foregoing social conditions make the lies easier to tell since the vast majority of the population wants and needs to hear said lies for their own psychological and otherwise well-being. This entire vaccine genocide would have been nipped in the bud before it got started if TPTB failed to quickly take control of what would have been a complete disaster at the very beginning of this agenda.

RELATED: The COVID Blog Editor-in-Chief Brian A. Wilkins speaks during public comments portion of CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (September 23, 2021)


The experimental Pfizer mRNA injections were first made available in the U.S. on December 11, 2020. TPTB thought it would be cute to televise a bunch of nurses at CHI Memorial Hospital in Chattanooga, Tennessee receiving the injections on December 17, 2020. The infamous Tiffany Dover case was born that day, after she collapsed just minutes after receiving the injection on live television.

Ms. Dover reappeared on camera a few minutes later, and said she always passes out…that it’s normal for her to pass out. That’s hard for critical thinkers to believe, considering she was an ER nurse and sees blood, vomit and other nastiness all the time. Ms. Dover has not been seen or heard from since that time, other than a not-so-convincing doppelganger named Amber Lynn Honea Dietz. TPTB used Ms. Dietz as a lookalike a few days after Ms. Dover’s permanent disappearance.

TPTB were forced to cover this up. Someone dying right after receiving the beloved “vaccines” on live television days after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted “emergency use authorization” for the shots, would have completely screwed up the most important phase of their sinister depopulation agenda. They even dispatched one of their cookie-cutter mainstream media puppets in 2022 to spoon-feed the sheep their very lazy, amateur, “official” coverup propaganda surrounding Ms. Dover.

RELATED: Brandy Zadrozny: case study on NBC News vaxx zealot “Tiffany Dover reporter” and how mainstream media curate and create these on-air performers (May 10, 2022)


Covering up the post-injection death of some previously-random nurse was fairly easy. It’s different when an NFL player collapses [and dies?] on Monday Night Football. TPTB should have to dig deep into their bag of tricks for this coverup, given Mr. Hamlin’s notoriety. But they are literally using all the same Tiffany Dover tactics for Damar Hamlin.

Damar Hamlin Update III

To recap, Mr. Hamlin collapsed on the field during the Monday Night Football game on January 2 in Cincinnati against the Bengals. The situation looked identical to numerous other cases of sudden death we’ve covered on this blog. TPTB have pushed the “miraculous recovery” narrative, and claim that Mr. Hamlin is alive and well today.

We published an update on Mr. Hamlin two weeks ago. Two of our many sources at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, without collaboration or knowing that the other was in contact with us, reported very similar stories confirming that Mr. Hamlin was deceased; and that the TPTB are covering it up.

The NFL’s worst nightmare took place this past Sunday, when the Bills and Bengals faced off yet again, this time in a playoff game in Buffalo. The league had no choice but to further address the Damar Hamlin situation.

ESPN and several other mainstream media outlets posted the following video clip, allegedly of Mr. Hamlin entering Highmark Stadium in Buffalo prior to kickoff on Sunday. “Mr. Hamlin” is the one surrounded by security, and covered from head-to-toe, complete with a mask and sunglasses.

Here is a closeup of the mystery masked man.

The NFL and CBS Sports then showed another “video of Damar Hamlin,” this time through a snowstorm. It is a blurry image of some guy in the box seats.

Here is a photo from a different angle of the foregoing video.

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The following image is “Damar Hamlin” in his box suite, right before CBS panned to the blurry, snowy video above. Again, he is still covered head-to-toe, complete with mask.

It gets worse. Before the game, the Damar Hamlin Twitter account posted an old video of him running onto the football field in full Bills uniform. It’s an obvious propaganda tactic to lull lazy, non-football fans to sleep. They are likely to believe that Mr. Hamlin actually played in the game on Sunday because of this video.

The Hamlin Twitter account posted the following photo of New York vaxx zealot Governor Kathy Hochul, holding a phone to her ear, on January 19. She is “talking to Damar Hamlin.”

RELATED: New York state judge strikes down Governor Hochul mask mandate (January 25, 2022)


The Bengals defeated the Bills 27-10 on Sunday. TPTB, including the NFL, CBS, Fox Sports, etc., were all Bengals fans on that day. They are all extremely happy that the Bills lost. Just think if this story continued all the way through the Super Bowl, with independent, international media present. Now TPTB hope the entire Damar Hamlin story fades away, while the Hamlin family enjoys their $12 million come up from this situation. We’d guess that’s at least 20 times more than the Dover family received for their cooperation.

Just show videos of Hamlin, Dover alive and well; end all speculation

This entire Hamlin propaganda attempt is incredibly sloppy from top to bottom. All the mainstream media reports said Mr. Hamlin had his breathing tube removed on January 6, and spoke for the first time since the Monday night game.

We’re supposed to believe that his first order of business after regaining consciousness was talking to a San Diego lawyer named Richard Reggie Borkum, and filing trademark applications with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for the terms “Did We Win” and “Three is Back” on that day.

We’re also supposed to believe that Mr. Hamlin, according to mainstream media on January 20, was “still on oxygen” and “faced a long recovery.”

But then two days later, he’s allegedly in a box suite hyping up his team at Highmark Stadium. That would mean a two-day complete recovery, not a “lengthy” one as mainstream media originally said.

This blogger still believed there was a 10-20% chance that Ms. Dover was alive in early 2022. It wasn’t until NBC News published that atrocious, intelligence-insulting podcast in May 2022 that pushed Ms. Dover’s chances of being alive to 0%. All NBC News needed to do, with its bottomless production budget, is get Ms. Dover on camera smiling and saying she’s okay. It would have been a story worth paying Ms. Dover a couple hundred grand. But you cannot interview a dead person.

Not to be facetious and flippant, but this is the United States. Many Americans believe all Black people look alike. There are numerous studies and everyday experiences proving this phenomenon. TPTB could have easily found some random, semi-similar-looking Hamlin Black dude, copied all of Mr. Hamlin’s tattoos, hairstyle, build, etc., paid him a few thousand dollars, and presented him as Damar Hamlin (since he wasn’t going to speak anyway). But they chose the lazy, extremely suspect option instead.

Even if it wasn’t the perfect doppelganger, the vast majority of Americans, including some skeptics, would have likely believed it. Instead, TPTB dragged out someone in a mask, sunglasses, and covered from head-to-toe. That created even more suspicion than it did clarification. It was an amateurish move by TPTB. Whomever is writing these scripts should be fired immediately.

UPDATED January 26, 2023 – You literally cannot make this stuff up. A random Twitter account with less than 100 followers prior to the following post, garnered 4.1 million views with this very unconvincing “doppelganger” Hamlin.

If a random account could do this, the NFL could do it. And again, the following is apparently more convincing than the mystery masked guy.

TPTB would love to embarrass and destroy this blogger. They could easily do so by publishing a video across all of their monopolized media of Mr. Hamlin and Ms. Dover together, laughing, and calling us “dumb conspiracy theorists.” That would destroy everything we’ve been doing for three years. It would be an easy undertaking…if these two individuals were alive.

The name Damar Hamlin will fade away into obscurity, except on platforms like this, in the coming months. That’s just how the world works. You have a choice to be a “dumb tin-foil hat” person or a dumb sheep. The choice is easy.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog® book here.


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1 year ago

I chose to be a “dumb tin-foil hat” person over a dumb sheep.

Chances are I will live much longer.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Me too. I told my husband the other day, that I am full blown tin foil hat and I don’t care who knows it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dawna

Who cares what names we get called? Intelligent people don’t let their enemies define them.

Vida Galore
Vida Galore
1 year ago

Wow! I love this comprehensive work-up. I knew the Damar thing was a psyops which is why I didn’t jump into the fray on day 1 with all the people screaming about his collapse being due to the jab.

Your explanation seems the most likely. Again, thank you.

1 year ago

Excellent analysis! Thank you for pointing all this out.

Heck, finding and training look-a-likes is probably now a key task of some secret government agency.

We also now have a little feeling of what it is like for the U.S. D.O.D. to be against a person and a people, as many people around the world have felt in all the bankers and M.I.C. wars for debt, profit, and money issuance, for generations.

I think we have a front seat to End Times. God help us.

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
1 year ago

Great work finding those patents and the name of the nurse who likely portrayed Tiffany Dover. I’m pretty sure the guy pretending to be Damar Hamlin at Bills stadium was white. That is how bad they are trolling us and how little they are even trying.
It’s so sloppy its like they want to be caught. If one were to try to prosecute, you’d have to go to those who pushed the Damar is alive thing and find out who paid them off. This time it seems even the normies have noticed…

1 year ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

I was thinking the same thing, including that the guy at Bills stadium was white. I think they are doing this sloppy job on purpose, to mock everyone who can see through it. As more and more folks start to see through the scams, it’s like the elite are saying: We know, you know, but you can’t stop us.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

Tptb don’t care if you or I know this is a shoddy scam as we didn’t fall for the scamdemic. We are the critical thinkers. Tptb just have to convince, to whatever degree, the rest that everything is okay including Damar. Safe and effective is still true. Lalala! Unicorns and fairies 🧚‍♀️ Damar’s family have been compensated and probably threatened to follow the script. Same with the Bill’s players and all who are there. All those feds showing up and packing heat. That would do it. I truly hope that Damar is either getting better or at peace. Too young for this to happen. Such a sick world today. 😔 Oh. The covidians I am surrounded with have accepted this BS. 😝

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I think they are getting scared, panicking and therefore making elementary mistakes. This is not the time of Tiffany Dover any more, there is way too much evidence: anecdotal (very powerful when the anecdotee is a close family member or friend); scientific – literally thousands of research papers detailing the myriad harms and horrors resulting from the mRNA injections; epidemiological, the excess death/miscarriage rates amongst the injected (+ falling birth rates), people with newfound and horrific disabilities, the obvious fact that the jabs make people much more likely (in a dose dependent manner) to come down, be hospitalised or killed by covid/any other infection. The fact that these data are more or less constant across every country which injected its population, whilst non-injected countries do just fine, is the final nail in their coffin. People might be stupid, but they are not brain dead – and they will be PISSED.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

They believe they will take it all under control. They always acted like this: believe and do not research /believe what we tell you not what you see. Also they have the ”hunger game” tool, they will do something to make people run to them as they dont have other thing to do but starve.
These ones wouls do anything, absolutelly anything. But if they go this rute, they will lose it all and for good, as too many people are awake. We will get back to tribes if they will continue the destruction, but they will be completelly destroyed for eternity.
Instead, I think the real elites (not the yesmens they parade in media as the elites lol) are preparing another ”revolution” to put another puppets on/kill the old ones and letting 50 years or so, or maybe more to pass so the people that lived this will pass/forget. And then do it again. All this Davos etc, they are preparing the next French Revolution and when they will give the signal, the masses will revolt, they will take care of this. Fremember, they use devices to controll masses, to keep them in check or to increase rage and violence since over a century. Perfectionated in the last 50 years. It will be fun though to watch the ”elites” looool getting their reward for being such traidors to tjeir people and humanity

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

THEY ARE SO PLAYNG WITH US! Seems that the German Nazis were
more merciful! Sigh.

1 year ago

Great follow up!

This is an EXCEEDINGLY sloppy effort by TPTB – they also showed a new photo of “Damar” by a mural in his honor today wearing the same getup (!), making him absolutely unrecognizable.

So pathetic, in fact, that I wonder if it’s a setup. They can trot out a clear bunch of photos of his quasi-doppelgänger (people won’t look closely) and say – SEE! All those crazy conspiracy theorists who said Hamlin was dead just because it was snowy in Buffalo. Antivaxx IDIOTS!

Didn’t know they patented the feel-good “Did We Win?”

TPTB never pass up a chance to make a few additional bucks, do they?

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

It’s suspicious to me how quickly he was walking & throwing his arms up like that??.. But, he was a very enthusiastic young man and a professional athlete. Further, he might stay bundled in shades for his health and have his neck covered due to being on the Respirator for days, and not wanting to show his scars from the tubes, etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

If he doesn’t play next year or show up, you will then know the truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

TPTB are probably searching drivers license and other photo databases looking for the best look-a-like.

1 year ago
Reply to  mike

Daily mail has a video right now that they say is him but he never mentioned his heart attack or anything it’s a video. He just talks about appreciating everyone etc. it is a video that could’ve been recorded at any point in time.

1 year ago

I smell a rat. You are definitely onto something fishy.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Freida

He has hit the nail on the head. There is definitely something fishy going on here. He is either dead, or brain dead and on life support so that they can claim he is still alive. Probably at some later time they will tell us that he “recently” died in a home accident – and they will “harvest” his organs for the donor trade. Astounding that an entire hospital wing was closed off by USG (?). This is a definite cover-up.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

If Damar were still alive, every news channel would be interviewing him. Every single one from 60 Minutes, Today Show, GMA, Fox, ESPN, local tv etc. etc. etc. I haven’t seen anything except some distant pics and blurry videos of him. Totally fake!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

It is so obvious and sloppy that many are thinking this was just mocking and trolling those who know.

Chocolate Orange
Chocolate Orange
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Completely agree. For me, the giveaway was when they cancelled the next game after Damar Hamlin’s death (let’s not pretend he’s alive – he obviously is not).
Why would they do that if he was still alive?!
They would only cancel a match in memory of him.
I believe that 100%
R.I.P. Mr. Hamlin.
You were too young.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Yes. Even a brief 30 second interview, with him saying very little at all would be “proof”. They can’t even do that. Fact is that if you are being resuscitated for 10 minutes, with your heart stopped…even if you survive somehow, you are likely to have massive brain damage at the very least. Even if Hamlin was alive, he would likely still be in a coma and/or be under heavy sedation and unable to be interviewed.

1 year ago

Thanks again Brian for your awesome work. You are right about Damar Hamlin eventually fading into obscurity, like Tiffany Dover did, like WTC7 apparently did and like US$2.4 trillion missing Pentagon dollars announced Sep-10-2001 also managed to 🙁

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

The amount of propaganda Google searches have on Hamlin ridiculing those who think he is dead, says something very loudly also. It’s just like the cancer-preventing amygdalin/vitamin B-17/nitrilosides subject. That is so deadly to cancer industry profits it is super-propagandized against.

1 year ago

I don’t believe Damar could have recovered enough to go to the game like he did. No assistance, no oxygen…. All the security and his face covered is so sketchy. I don’t believe that was him.

1 year ago

There’s a chance it’s actually sloppy by design. The sheep seem to have no problem with it. Their critical thinking has been completely shut down so the question of whether that’s a decoy doesn’t arise to them.

However, they knew critical thinkers would catch on immediately. They may be openly mocking us because we’re the only ones who’ll notice. It’s a way of saying, “Look at how brazen we can be without being caught out by the wider population. You really think you can make a difference, even in your own life, when we have this much control. It’s hopeless. Just give up and fall in line.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Cornelius

Yeah. Like telling us that we are surrounded by sheeple. As if we didn’t know. And don’t expect a great reawakening because most are that brainwashed. I think this is one of the hardest things to accept – that I am surrounded by sheeple. I am living a version of the stepford wives and it isn’t fun. It’s maddening.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie


1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

The fact that 80% of Americans have taken at least one bioweapon jab is a sobering fact I’m still trying to deal with now that family members are experiencing severe damage (and refusing to acknowledge the jabs are the reason).

Eternal Cynic
Eternal Cynic
1 year ago

If you’re too stupid to NOT THINK INDEPENDENTLY…..and even with the warnings from critical-thinkers, then walk out onto the battle-field called “SURVIVAL”, and be done with it. We critical-thinkers remain standing amongst OUR peers, with a purified gene-pool.
Like my mother always said: “Believe half of what you see, and NOTHING of what you hear.”

Sudden and Unexpected
Sudden and Unexpected
1 year ago

They might be working on a CGI “interview” or CGI “public sightings” of Damar right now. The government also has very advanced makeup / disguise techniques that could be employed to make someone appear to be Mr Hamlin. The longer it takes to show him alive, the the less likely I am to believe it if/when he finally reappears. There should be numerous pics and short videos of him by now, taken by friends, family, his teammates, etc.

1 year ago

You bring up a great point. With advancements in AI, we will soon be in the age of “fake news” coming at us at all angles with fake AI created videos, etc. driving the narrative. of which the plebs will believe.

Sudden and Unexpected
Sudden and Unexpected
1 year ago
Reply to  Ed_J

There is another theory I heard today: that Hamlin is alive but still on life support. This would also make sense. TPTB don’t want anyone questioning the official BS excuse for why he collapsed (Commotio Cordis). That excuse wouldn’t fly because CC just requires defibrillation to restart the heart. It doesn’t cause someone to remain in a hospital barely hanging onto life for weeks.

Carol Murdoch
Carol Murdoch
1 year ago

I don’t understand how his family can choose money over the truth. If I were in his family I’d shout from the rooftops how he died. They’d have to kill me to shut me up. No amount of money would stop me from telling his story.

1 year ago
Reply to  Carol Murdoch

They put the “Vegas shooter” family in prison because they called BS on the FBI!

1 year ago
Reply to  Carol Murdoch

The family has probably been threatened.

1 year ago
Reply to  Carol Murdoch

Yeah, like others said, probably threatened more than bribed. Once they knew the truth, they were in shock and they’d have to be very clever to wriggle out of that situation (including a locked-down hospital wing most likely surrounded by federal agents and either never left alone or the room was wired) to get their story out … and by then the media already had the official narrative and probably instructions to not talk to the family. The family was probably told there will be consequences if they change their story. Someone here mentioned he had a little brother – many parents will acquiesce for protection of their other son.

Also, I was bothered by the looks of the parents in the hospital photo. Parents would be stressed, but yet also happy he’s alive and improving. Their looks seemed detached and extremely distraught to me.

Seems like, if someone was risky enough, they could have trailed the parents or Damar’s supposed house to discover his presence or absence.

1 year ago

This is one of the reasons why worldwide masking was a MAJOR part of the plandemic: to hide behind, when doing so serves the plan. Criminals and fakers love the mask! So helpful to destroy humanity. Masking is evil, from every angle. The dude is dead, in my opinion.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

I called it from the beginning. Knew he was dead and they would try this. Sad thing is there are people who believe that’s him. I read an article of them calling us crazy conspiracies because we see the truth

1 year ago

Me too. But i didn’t think they would be bold enough to bring a body double to the game. I just figured they’d say, “he’s still in the hospital… stand with Damar… let’s win for Damar.”

Then, once the NFL has gotten it’s Super Bowl money… they can say Damar’s recovery hit a setback, and please pray for Damar. Then, slowly fade him out.

1 year ago

Thank you for all of this information on Damar. I believed that it was a “look-alike Damar” holding his hands in a heart. I also wanted to comment on the “Pfizer” advertising. It seems that many of the tv shows (not just fake news channels) are “sponsored by Pfizer” now. I used to love Jeopardy, but now they are “sponsored by Pfizer” so I quit watching it. Good riddance!

1 year ago
Reply to  Netters

And was that a heart he was making with his hands (maybe at first for a second) or a Freemason hand sign?

1 year ago
Reply to  Hmmmm?

That’s what I thought!

1 year ago
Reply to  Hmmmm?

It was definitely a masonic/luciferian pyramid. Possibly when you see that sign being made here, just like the freemasonic # “33” frequently mentioned on tv news (or shown in internet articles) concerning statistics such as age, # of shooting victims, dates, etc. it is code to let other initiated members worldwide know the event in question is a fake or deception. Just a hunch.

1 year ago

I don’t know if he is alive or not, either way I will never take the experimental injection.

1 year ago

Hamlin is DEAD!!! This imposter is just to appease the stupid Clotters!

A rope leash
A rope leash
1 year ago

I was unable to watch the game, but I had heard that Hamlin was going to make an appearance. I fully expected to see articles and interviews on the web featuring a recovered Hamlin. When this did not happen, I looked around on my usual alternative information sites expecting to see at least some mention of it, but there was nothing.

I have to say I was rather shocked at this article. The audacity of the mainstream media is beyond comprehension. This is an absolute raspberry to any truly cognizant person. They are sticking right in our faces while also reminding us of how they have total mind-control over most of the population.

Thanks for this blog. Apparently, I would not have seen this anywhere else.

1 year ago

If Hamlin was a functional human he would be getting visited by hordes of teammates, actors and politicians. Therefore we would have tons of videos, photos and interviews about it all.. until he comes forward face to face with real people not digital avatars or face masks it is for sure a psy-op.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago
Reply to  Evilsucks

Also, the doctors who worked on a patient that miraculously survives like to get in front of the tv cameras to pat themselves on the back and I don’t recall seeing any hospital staff interviews.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

That is true. I have a friend who had cardiac arrest and was saved using a new technique where he was put on ice. He made the news along with the doctors.

1 year ago

All the the REPTILE BRAIN BOUGHT OFF GLOBALISTS shilling for Klausy and Billy and here in Scarborough Ontario CHINADA need to keep being EXPOSED.
Which is where you are doing a great job!
Many of us out here helping where we can.
The REPTILE BRAINS hate EXPOSURE which is why this is a DATA WAR until it’s not.

1 year ago

Well the psy op is probably for the players too since they don’t want them dealing with the anxiety of we might be next when they should be tackling and running and getting that heart pumping for the cameras.

Vera Mercado
Vera Mercado
1 year ago

That video of Hamlin getting in the elevator is just weird the way he purposefully hides his face and the way security blocks the door/view ones he’s in.

Media is now even posting about the conspiracy theories on social media related to him having a double. Even the QB was asked about it.

The veil is being pulled back yet the TPTB will continue with “nothing to see here” until the end of time.

1 year ago

Well, on the off chance that Demar is still alive, he might consider going into hiding if he can.

What’s the life expectancy of an amateur crisis actor whose part has been played, and is nothing now but a loose end?

1 year ago

I used to think we were in a X-files episode but now i fell we are in a Simpsons episode. This keep getting more ridiculous by the day. I agree with some comments, maybe they did this stunt deliberately just to show him (or a look a like) later on and make us “look crazy”.

1 year ago

The video: Was it Hamlin? Let’s see, he was all covered up including face so no way to confirm it was him. He has an entourage of people around him so tight that it is hard to see much of Hamlin…within the entourage are security officers -or are they? Security officers would not have faced the elevator as they would be unable to stop any approaching person, how could they, their backs are turned away! Not a security move! His mother and little brother were there but not anywhere near him. Even in the suite, little bro and mom not with him.

Movement: for a guy on oxygen he had a hop in his step and moved quickly.

1 year ago

This situation is so tragic, but your description of it and how they could have gotten a black guy with similar tattoos etc because “all black guys look the same” to some people (certainly not to me) just got me laughing hysterically. We live in a clown world, as Etana Hecht would say, I’m glad you are in it to inform us, with some entertainment thrown in.

1 year ago

So how do we think they’re going to play this out because he can’t hide in sunglasses and mask forever.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago
Reply to  UrbanSunday

A couple of possible outcomes could occur. They want to show he’s still alive through the Super Bowl so to have a fake feel good story alive and well until they don’t need Damar anymore. During the NFL’s offseason,
they could announce his sudden passing around March or April. A more likely outcome would be for the Damar story to just fade away over time, all stories on the internet about Damar will disappear and Damar will be no where to be found like Tiffany Dover. Everything swept under the rug and forgotten. By the start of next year’s NFL season, Damar will be a distant memory except to the people who see through this b.s.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

They’ll Building 7 him.

1 year ago

I keep thinking about the person that administered the shot(s) to Damar Hamlin. They (the person that gave the shot with no informed consent) know who they are when a high profile person has a cardiac event or dies. My uncle died a few days after a covid booster & flu shot given on the same day in October of 2021. The person that gave his shots will never know it killed him.
These times are very dark.

1 year ago

I suspect a tragic story of how Mr Hamlin survived his near tragic death on the field only to die very soon in a plane or car crash is in the works.

1 year ago

Family is now a lottery winner. Maybe they’ll blow through the loot in a few months and threaten to spill da beans.

1 year ago

Definitely sketchy for sure. Still NOBODY in this dude’s circle is spilling the beans if there was a body double at the game ? None of his friends, family members, former college teammates, Bills coaches, players, trainers, will speak up? Is everyone on the dole? What about hospital workers? Funeral home workers ? Stadium personal who guided ” him ” to the suite to watch the game? Never knew so many normal people could keep a secret. I’m not buying it. Would love to be proved wrong. If I were proven wrong, it would turn the world upside-down on it’s head.

Thorton Thornberry iii
Thorton Thornberry iii
1 year ago

We know the nfl worships satan, just watch the super bowl. It’s a satanic ritual from start to end with a little football splashed in. The Bible speaks of false prophets performing false miracles and people believing. What if this whole thing is a psyop to mock the Resurrection of Christ and Damar is fine. I believe he’s most likely dead but who knows with these demons in charge.

1 year ago

Hmph 🤔 well, in spite of all the evidence or lack thereof, I’m knee deep in the hoopla. On the fence on this on. Gonna sit this out. Watch the rest as it evolves if ever. Definitely something off and hidden. Psyop maybe. They have the money, people to, albeit, not well, create a believable illusion. I’m not sure I even care. But from the shadows, in a comfy chair with a good view, I’m silently judging 😉

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
1 year ago

“Not to be facetious and flippant, but this is the United States. Many Americans believe all Black people look alike. TPTB could have easily found some random, semi-similar-looking Hamlin Black dude, copied all of Mr. Hamlin’s tattoos, hairstyle, build, etc., paid him a few thousand dollars, and presented him as Damar Hamlin”

Then two days later, you post that update proving your point! It’s funny. I laughed for a second, but it’s also depressing on every level. Four million views??? This world is really messed up, and just shows how stupid the general public really is. RIP Damar Hamlin. Always love your work, Brian!

1 year ago

Tiffany Dover’s death notice was found in her town’s paper I think, not long after. I’ve kept an open mind on Hamlin, until recently. I have concluded he is dead and has been since the first day. Their feeble play is remarkably amateurish, no doubt.

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